coming back from injury my days of pain haven’t relented yet, instead the pangs of disappointing runs have redoubled their sting.
Go for a test run for my achilles on 24th October. Have a good 10km run but afterwards realize that ive done tremendous damage to my Achilles tendon, its swollen, painful and boy i walk with a limp! I am completely out of Stanchart. Lucky to recoup my registration fee by selling to Joseph Masika my bib and Stanchart t-shirt. phew! I have been icing and massaging my tendon for days on end. I didn't even go for a single run during both my paternity and one week annual leave. I am devastated!
Register for Stanchard Marathon on 14th October and having some little hope that I may participate. Little hope is better than no hope at all.Get a bouncing baby boy on 8th October - Riley it is! Things have been bad but i got a diversion to keep me occupied while I am off the road. Marie Stopes Eastleigh Nursing Home does me and Pesh proud under the stewardship of Susan Ouko, Pamela and Doctor Akonde. Great people!
My Achilles injury takes a toll on me after 28th September. Take a complete break from running.
28th September - Pull another 10kms as promised the previous day. Another runner pushes me through the 4th, 5th and 6th kilometer and have a 43'55" in 10kms - 4'23" average per kms, an improvement.
27th September - Take a full week break just to monitor my Achilles injury but it doesn't seem to fade away. hit the field within the neighborhood for a run. Do a moderate 10kms run - 45mins - 4'30" per km average. Christopher Mwinamo joins me but claims he is too unfit. Do a few drills and catch up on lost times. Says he will be coming to Stanchart either way, even for 5km run - thats the spirit! My ankle is now more painful but decide not to relent on it. Tommorrow I gotta do another 10kms, you dont treat an itch by scratching it gently.
17th September - Two days after discharge from hospital and my hunger for running has ran over! Do 5kms in 22'59" - 4'27" per kilometer and Iam out, started too fast coupled with flabby muscles and some weight. Pull an ankle injury - have a Achilles pain, almost limping.
Between 29th August and 16th September - The painful headaches come in full force. Decide to put my trainings on hold and focus on getting medical attention.
8th September - Go to Mater Hospital and admitted on the same evening, CT scan and blood test done and its all clear. The doc makes a hasty guess that I have an infection and administer IV antibiotics. This messes my appetite, mood, everything! Complain on the second day that the medication prescribed is not right.
On the fourth day we agree on a specialist - an ENT lady who finds Iam intact in that regard and suggests on a neurologist.
After days of searching in the internet, I land on "Cluster Headaches" which has similar symptoms. The neurologist agrees that I do have cluster headaches but completely fucks up my discharge sheet by stating I have mastoiditis...mastoiditis!
Go through the use of oxygen inhalation as stated on the webpage but it doesnt help. On further research, I realize cluster headaches are not harmful to health and will clear automatically, decide to hang on till it clears.
I fail to go for the Ndakaini marathon despite paying a cool 1k, stuck in hospital watching TV...what a year this is turning out to be!
August 28th Thursday - evening run from office - 16.63kms in 76mins - 12.96kms/hr my garmin hangs for two whole minutes and mess my average speed, damn!
August 26th Tuesday - So mad about my previous day botched run and decide to have a repeat. Leave the office pretty late bcz of field issues - Naivasha team. Darkness falls fast and by the 13th kilometer its all black - Lunga lunga has no street lights, I decide to take a walk because of the zombified pedestrians and the irritating motor cyclists messing my vibe - 13kms in 59.13 - 4'35" per kilometer.
25th Monday - Take painkillers and hit the road, tired of half assing. Feeling alive until the rain comes pouring down mercilessly and relentlessly at the 6th kilometer. Hang on while reciting the phrase "there is no such thing as bad weather, only soft people" but at the 7th kilometer throw in the towel and take shelter at the Total petrol station at Mbagathi road...damn, the rain has a perfect timing! At almost dusk, the rain reduces and I find my way to City Stadium half running and half walking. Arrive while its already dark and way too muddy but still drizzling - decide to just board a matatu instead of risking an injury by running on slippery roads in the dark - a temporary set back - 7kms in 31.15 - 4'31" pace.
24th Sunday - miss a good run coz of my perennial headache, no other symptoms just headache coupled with the previous nights downpour - its effed up!
22nd and 23rd - Fly to Malindi for a presentation and miss out on my morning Saturday run too. Nice resort - Double Heart it is, no tourists, this is a sad tale to be part of.
18th - 21st - Unable to run during the week because of a nagging headache on the right side of my head just behind my ear. It keeps coming (intense pounding) and fading away and pretty much puts me off the road. Hawi keeps me occupied because of his health issue, visit Avenue on Monday morning at 3am and then at 11am and Aga Khan on the same day till almost 11pm. The next day (Tuesday) take him to Marie Stopes Eastleigh for IV drip. On Wednesday at 5am take him to Gertrudes Muthaiga after his condition deteriorated (temperature upto 39.8 degrees!). He got admitted on the same day and was discharged on Friday 22nd.
17th August - Sunday morning run, in low spirits but still hoping for a sub 2hrs in 26kms. Do the inner core lap and join Manyanja road. My ipod earphone comes off at Jogoo road when adjusting it for better sound quality. Stop temporarily and put it right back in and maintain my focus. My speed is pretty discouraging but decide to hang on. I am still heavy and thereby avoid the Upper hill climb since I want to practically convince myself that I can run for a full two hours first.
Detour from City Stadium to Industrial Area, Nyayo Stadium and back to Industrial Area straight to Donholm and Manyanja road. My garmin hangs at the 23rd kilometer - 1:45:37, I couldve pulled a sub 2hours in 26kms easy(21kms in 96 mins) - damn!
14th August - evening run, do a little better though I leave the office late - manage 19k in 85mins - 13.39kms/hr pace. had to stop running coz of darkness, its not worth risking an injury after such a long period of battling to get back on the road. Weight is now a major concern but my health is right where it should be.
12th August - evening run from work, clear my dosage at around midday and feeling good to go. Over indulge with lunch coz of the misplaced good feeling. Start easy and speed up in the next kilometers. Start experiencing a headache at the 9th km at Nyayo Stadium. After joining Enterprise road it intensifies - right lower side of the head near my nape. At Industrial Area prison start contemplating whether i should stop and massage it a bit. Make an abrupt stop at the 11th kilometer and try to massage the area just close to my right ear and below the neck and I experience a depth of pain I have never experienced in a while. I should have waited for the drugs to clear from my system or something.
I cant walk properly and its still a long way to the house - 10kms! Walk slowly till Likoni Road - the road is really packed with pedestrians and I begin wondering whether I could have made it through that jungle of pedestrians and motor cars. Join Lungalunga while its already getting dark. No motorbikes and i dont have the nerve to fight for the few matatus. Walk upto Mareba (next to NHIF building) and wait for my head to clear a bit.
The throb doesn't go away but my sweating eases. Board a matatu at about 7:30pm when its dark, passengers have also reduced. Alight at Donholm feeling a little better and walk to the house. Garmin time - 11kms in 50mins, I couldve made 13kms in an hour easy!
I ran with a jacket which i haven't done in a while so I get really dehydrated so F that shit!

10th August - travel to Kisii, Homabay, Kisumu and also to shaggs to see mom. Securely tuck in the drugs I bought using the prescription given at our Kenyatta Market Center - Erythromycin Stearate Tablets B.P. 500mg and Myolgin. Return on Saturday night eager to check whether the drugs have taken effect although I am not even halfway with the dosage. Start easy and maintain an easy steady tempo coz i intended to do at least 21kms which has been very elusive lately.
From City Stadium detour to Industrial Area and head to Nyayo Stadium and avoid Muthurwa and Machakos Country Bus Station because its a few minutes to 8am. On my way back through Industrial Area at the start of Lungalunga road I feel I still have control of my legs. Although Iam sluggish in movement but I have the control and that is the main thing. I am battling with a weight issue and flabby muscles and not a health issue.
Into Manyanja road and straight to the field to complete the half marathon - 98 mins it is, way too slow. Feel re-energized and do an extra 5kms - Final run - 26kms in 2:02 - pace of 4'41". I now have the task of working on my weight and tightening some muscles since Ndakaini is exactly one month away!
5th August - morning run at the field - do a one hour run and complete 13kms - 4'40" pace, Davy does his usual 5km run
3rd August - morning run, take on Jogoo road to test endurance, burn out at City Stadium an detour back to Industrial Area and to Nyayo Stadium. Complete my run on the field with a lot of struggle but manage 21kms in 97 mins a 4'39" pace. Planning to go back to hospital for another blood test cz the pain on my muscles is rather unusual.
2nd August - morning run around inner-core and some field runs with David Pamba - 15kms in 1:08, a 4'35" pace. I have got some 4kgs to lose this month.
31st July, evening run from office - 19kms in 1:28, a pace of 4'37" gradually getting back.
Go for a test run for my achilles on 24th October. Have a good 10km run but afterwards realize that ive done tremendous damage to my Achilles tendon, its swollen, painful and boy i walk with a limp! I am completely out of Stanchart. Lucky to recoup my registration fee by selling to Joseph Masika my bib and Stanchart t-shirt. phew! I have been icing and massaging my tendon for days on end. I didn't even go for a single run during both my paternity and one week annual leave. I am devastated!
Register for Stanchard Marathon on 14th October and having some little hope that I may participate. Little hope is better than no hope at all.Get a bouncing baby boy on 8th October - Riley it is! Things have been bad but i got a diversion to keep me occupied while I am off the road. Marie Stopes Eastleigh Nursing Home does me and Pesh proud under the stewardship of Susan Ouko, Pamela and Doctor Akonde. Great people!
My Achilles injury takes a toll on me after 28th September. Take a complete break from running.
28th September - Pull another 10kms as promised the previous day. Another runner pushes me through the 4th, 5th and 6th kilometer and have a 43'55" in 10kms - 4'23" average per kms, an improvement.
27th September - Take a full week break just to monitor my Achilles injury but it doesn't seem to fade away. hit the field within the neighborhood for a run. Do a moderate 10kms run - 45mins - 4'30" per km average. Christopher Mwinamo joins me but claims he is too unfit. Do a few drills and catch up on lost times. Says he will be coming to Stanchart either way, even for 5km run - thats the spirit! My ankle is now more painful but decide not to relent on it. Tommorrow I gotta do another 10kms, you dont treat an itch by scratching it gently.
17th September - Two days after discharge from hospital and my hunger for running has ran over! Do 5kms in 22'59" - 4'27" per kilometer and Iam out, started too fast coupled with flabby muscles and some weight. Pull an ankle injury - have a Achilles pain, almost limping.
Between 29th August and 16th September - The painful headaches come in full force. Decide to put my trainings on hold and focus on getting medical attention.
8th September - Go to Mater Hospital and admitted on the same evening, CT scan and blood test done and its all clear. The doc makes a hasty guess that I have an infection and administer IV antibiotics. This messes my appetite, mood, everything! Complain on the second day that the medication prescribed is not right.
On the fourth day we agree on a specialist - an ENT lady who finds Iam intact in that regard and suggests on a neurologist.
After days of searching in the internet, I land on "Cluster Headaches" which has similar symptoms. The neurologist agrees that I do have cluster headaches but completely fucks up my discharge sheet by stating I have mastoiditis...mastoiditis!
Go through the use of oxygen inhalation as stated on the webpage but it doesnt help. On further research, I realize cluster headaches are not harmful to health and will clear automatically, decide to hang on till it clears.
I fail to go for the Ndakaini marathon despite paying a cool 1k, stuck in hospital watching TV...what a year this is turning out to be!
August 28th Thursday - evening run from office - 16.63kms in 76mins - 12.96kms/hr my garmin hangs for two whole minutes and mess my average speed, damn!
August 26th Tuesday - So mad about my previous day botched run and decide to have a repeat. Leave the office pretty late bcz of field issues - Naivasha team. Darkness falls fast and by the 13th kilometer its all black - Lunga lunga has no street lights, I decide to take a walk because of the zombified pedestrians and the irritating motor cyclists messing my vibe - 13kms in 59.13 - 4'35" per kilometer.
25th Monday - Take painkillers and hit the road, tired of half assing. Feeling alive until the rain comes pouring down mercilessly and relentlessly at the 6th kilometer. Hang on while reciting the phrase "there is no such thing as bad weather, only soft people" but at the 7th kilometer throw in the towel and take shelter at the Total petrol station at Mbagathi road...damn, the rain has a perfect timing! At almost dusk, the rain reduces and I find my way to City Stadium half running and half walking. Arrive while its already dark and way too muddy but still drizzling - decide to just board a matatu instead of risking an injury by running on slippery roads in the dark - a temporary set back - 7kms in 31.15 - 4'31" pace.
24th Sunday - miss a good run coz of my perennial headache, no other symptoms just headache coupled with the previous nights downpour - its effed up!
22nd and 23rd - Fly to Malindi for a presentation and miss out on my morning Saturday run too. Nice resort - Double Heart it is, no tourists, this is a sad tale to be part of.
18th - 21st - Unable to run during the week because of a nagging headache on the right side of my head just behind my ear. It keeps coming (intense pounding) and fading away and pretty much puts me off the road. Hawi keeps me occupied because of his health issue, visit Avenue on Monday morning at 3am and then at 11am and Aga Khan on the same day till almost 11pm. The next day (Tuesday) take him to Marie Stopes Eastleigh for IV drip. On Wednesday at 5am take him to Gertrudes Muthaiga after his condition deteriorated (temperature upto 39.8 degrees!). He got admitted on the same day and was discharged on Friday 22nd.
At Eastleigh Nursing Home - Marie Stopes |
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At Gertrudes Muthaiga |
17th August - Sunday morning run, in low spirits but still hoping for a sub 2hrs in 26kms. Do the inner core lap and join Manyanja road. My ipod earphone comes off at Jogoo road when adjusting it for better sound quality. Stop temporarily and put it right back in and maintain my focus. My speed is pretty discouraging but decide to hang on. I am still heavy and thereby avoid the Upper hill climb since I want to practically convince myself that I can run for a full two hours first.
Detour from City Stadium to Industrial Area, Nyayo Stadium and back to Industrial Area straight to Donholm and Manyanja road. My garmin hangs at the 23rd kilometer - 1:45:37, I couldve pulled a sub 2hours in 26kms easy(21kms in 96 mins) - damn!
14th August - evening run, do a little better though I leave the office late - manage 19k in 85mins - 13.39kms/hr pace. had to stop running coz of darkness, its not worth risking an injury after such a long period of battling to get back on the road. Weight is now a major concern but my health is right where it should be.

I cant walk properly and its still a long way to the house - 10kms! Walk slowly till Likoni Road - the road is really packed with pedestrians and I begin wondering whether I could have made it through that jungle of pedestrians and motor cars. Join Lungalunga while its already getting dark. No motorbikes and i dont have the nerve to fight for the few matatus. Walk upto Mareba (next to NHIF building) and wait for my head to clear a bit.
The throb doesn't go away but my sweating eases. Board a matatu at about 7:30pm when its dark, passengers have also reduced. Alight at Donholm feeling a little better and walk to the house. Garmin time - 11kms in 50mins, I couldve made 13kms in an hour easy!
I ran with a jacket which i haven't done in a while so I get really dehydrated so F that shit!
10th August - travel to Kisii, Homabay, Kisumu and also to shaggs to see mom. Securely tuck in the drugs I bought using the prescription given at our Kenyatta Market Center - Erythromycin Stearate Tablets B.P. 500mg and Myolgin. Return on Saturday night eager to check whether the drugs have taken effect although I am not even halfway with the dosage. Start easy and maintain an easy steady tempo coz i intended to do at least 21kms which has been very elusive lately.
From City Stadium detour to Industrial Area and head to Nyayo Stadium and avoid Muthurwa and Machakos Country Bus Station because its a few minutes to 8am. On my way back through Industrial Area at the start of Lungalunga road I feel I still have control of my legs. Although Iam sluggish in movement but I have the control and that is the main thing. I am battling with a weight issue and flabby muscles and not a health issue.

5th August - morning run at the field - do a one hour run and complete 13kms - 4'40" pace, Davy does his usual 5km run
3rd August - morning run, take on Jogoo road to test endurance, burn out at City Stadium an detour back to Industrial Area and to Nyayo Stadium. Complete my run on the field with a lot of struggle but manage 21kms in 97 mins a 4'39" pace. Planning to go back to hospital for another blood test cz the pain on my muscles is rather unusual.
2nd August - morning run around inner-core and some field runs with David Pamba - 15kms in 1:08, a 4'35" pace. I have got some 4kgs to lose this month.
31st July, evening run from office - 19kms in 1:28, a pace of 4'37" gradually getting back.

Complete my dosage on 28th July after visiting Avenue hospital five days earlier, diagnosed with mild bacteria.
27th July : Doing several laps on the field, push it trying to complete a half marathon. Have a nasty fall in the process and bruise my knees and elbows. I am totally out of energy but my body aint tired - these bacteria are really killing me! - 20.4km in 1:37 - pace of 4'45" way too slow!
26th July - Field laps - 17kms in 1:18 - pace of 4'37"
23rd July - Field laps- 13kms in 1:01 - pace of 4'42"
20th July - Field laps - 18kms in 1;24 - pace of 4'40'
19th July - Field laps - 10kms in 46mins - pace of 4'33"
17th July - Field laps - 13kms in 1hr - pace of 4'34"
After struggling to complete my evening run from work on 15th July, decide to confine myself to my much detested field runs while waiting for the dust to clear.
July : I had a horrendous run. I had
hoped to do 32km but reassessed my physical form and reduced the distance to 30kms. When I woke up
decided to go for 26kms because I was generally feeling weak and didn't want to suffer the pain of walking back home
during a run.

I checked in to hospital the previous day after having a mere two runs during the week which were both horrible. The doctor confirmed my throat was inflamed coz the infection I had about a fortnight ago had not cleared hence the stomach pains and as such prescribed antibiotics. On Thursday 10th I had a morning run on Kangundo road at a slow pace of an average of 12.74km/hr in an attempt to complete a half marathon but by the 15th km I was cleaned out and reduced to a walker.
July 8th during an evening run I was cleaned out after 1 hour –
13kms at an average pace of 12.99kms/hr. I had to run walk in the dark for a
cool 7kms.
both runs I was hit with a bout of stomach ache thereafter which was really
6th – had the psyche to do a cool 36kms, a new P.R. in long run but
got cleaned out at the 27th km, hustle hard and stop at the 28th
km when the stomach ache overwhelmed me. I had to run walk the rest of the
distance, about 8kms – it took me a cool extra hour!

29th Sunday – fail to go for a run coz the cold weighed me
down. I was on drugs that had been prescribed after having gone to
hospital the previous day.
26th: A very bad week, having a bad cold, my nose all clogged up. For a whole week I manage to do only one morning run on Kangundo road which gives me one hell of punishment
– 21.64kms in 1:44 – 12.34kms/hr.
Still grinding, tough times don't last but tough men do