Monday, 1 July 2013

There is never a good time for an injury....

30th June, 2013: Arrive home late after the previous night travel. Have little sleep and wake up with an aching body. My shins haven’t fully recovered from the Kitale rolling hills. Since I had weighed myself the previous day and registered a shocking 2kgs added weight I decide to just go for a run.
Still feeling heavy during the run. My shins start throbbing after the 5th kilometer and decide to shift from 30kms to 26kms. On the 7th kilometer, I decide to shift to 21kms. On hitting the 10th kilometer on the Uhuru highway bridge heading to Nyayo Stadium, I have a calf muscle injury that sends me limping. I should have rested and wait for a better day instead of risking it all for one shambolic run. For now let my body take the much demanded rest – back to RICE (Rest, Ice, I forgot the C, Elevation).
Trek all the way to City stadium and board a bus back to the house my pride under my feet. Embark on other exercises – 120 sit ups, 40 crutches, 40 leg raises and ice my calf muscles. This is depressing, just like last year when the weather is ideal for a PR that’s when I crumble. Let me take a break for now. I am down but not out, not just yet.
28th June, 2013: Road trip throughout the week. My training routine has completely gone south. Travel to Migori on Monday, to Kisii on Tuesday, to Kericho and Kisumu on Wednesday, to Kakamega and Kitale on Thurday. Decide to wake up early on Friday for a run in Kitale’s dirt roads and rolling hills. It’s been long since I ran on these roads – since mid 2011.
Leave the hotel (Mid Africa) and hit the road. I ve been surviving on junk food since the beginning of the week.  Feeling heavy and weak, struggle with the hills. On my way back, get another old cyclist who really pace me up. Try hard to keep up with him, he passes me when going downhill but I catch up when going uphill. Come to a complete stop at exactly 22kms in 1:41.