Tuesday 27 November 2012

A Runners Nightmare!

Day 13: 25th November, 2012 - Pick up my water bottle at 5:45am and head out. Reflect on the last run with renewed determination. Nothing should stop me this time - not even dehydration. Get a fold-able water bottle with a cork which you just pull, press the stem and water gushes out and then you push the cork back in place. You can have a drink without tilting your head backwards. Its really something.
At City Stadium in 33 mins (7kms) at City Mortuary in 57mins (12kms) - the upper hill climb drains me out, feel heavy coupled with the water in my bottle. Its not a  motivation, in fact it distracts me far too often - it will take sometime before getting used to it. At T. Mall (15kms) in 1:13, my energy is almost out, At Panari (21kms) in 1:42 - running on empty.

My foot is purely on fire now. I didn't give it time to heal. The sun comes up at my 22nd Km - it quickly intensifies and drains me further. Cant bear the pain on my right foot anymore, stop for the last drop of water from my bottle at 25kms - 1:58 (City Cabanas). Its a nightmare that I am flat out and yet I still have a whole 6 kms to go - this is a nightmare!.Find myself limping, push myself and clear the Airport North Road and join Outer Ring Road. I am now a complete walker, limping...but for how long. Bow myself out, feeling leprous - my pride under the soles of my feet and wait for a matatu in front of the prying eyes of the inquisitive and idle passersby. I feel ashamed - but I console myself that they dont know me, besides my foot can't bear it anymore so there is no shame in this. I will live to fight another day.

Alight at Donholm and limp into Manyanja Road and back to the house...I am devastated. Embark on a serious massage with hot water and liniment. I will have to repeat this routine for the entire week.
Reasons behind my failure: (a) Failure to observe my diet during the week, I even ate junk food on the eve of my run. (b) I stayed on my feet for a substantial portion of the day on the eve of the run. I should've given my feet a break. (c ) Lack of discipline, I was up till late watching a movie. - A lesson learnt goes a long way.


Running Writer said...

You did very well. Especially now that you are carrying water - no limits. It was smart of you to carry fare. Let that injury heal. Keep up the speed and courage.

Abraham said...

You actually took a mat!
Well, you will fight again another day.

Lakini the distance you covered is huge, even without injuries

Unknown said...

Yeah, you gotta surprise yaself sometimes - I am trying to push myself so that by March next year i am able to do 35kms under 3 hours comfortably. Get out of your comfort zones and you will be able to sit back and laugh at what you have accomplished. I am not there yet but I will be.
Abraham I salute you for starting...that is the hardest thing.