Wednesday 8 May 2013

Die Another Day

8th Wednesday, 2013 – 17kms in 1:21:29 and 6th Wednesday, 2013 – 16.8kms in1:20:08 (average pace 4’46”) in both instances.
After pulling a good run on Sunday 5th, I felt I should step up my gear and do another run on the next immediate day. I felt okay and decided to hit the road in the evening after work and boy what a shocker! My legs just went to sleep – my body felt heavy, I just couldn’t bloody move! The road was also packed with pedestrians in an abnormal manner. I had to keep slowing down to walking speed so  as to maneuver in between the zombified walkers who were not kind enough to give way. I had to bump into them with some cursing behind my back or sidestep to avoid a collision.This completely messed up my tempo...I gather speed just to lose it all again and start over.
It had also thoroughly rained in Eastlands and Manyanja road was a no – run zone. Pedestrians huddled in the tiny roads. I had to make an abrupt stop at 16.8 kms instead of the usual 17km. This is after a lot of struggle of shoving and pushing and getting splashed with rain water by some motorists.
A mile is a mile!

My Wednesday run was supposed to be a redemption run after the Monday debacle but that also turned out a whole lot different. I carried a running jacket, a light one just to avoid the stinging cold of last Monday. I left the Office at 6pm while it was still drizzling. My first 5km was superb. Immediately the drizzle subsided, walkers come out of their shelter areas to resume their walk and jammed the roads - this nightmare began after Mbagathi road. 

Nyayo Stadium (Gor fans), City Stadium and Donholm were the worst hit areas – I had to literally take a walk. I felt unusually tired – even where the paths were clear, I just couldn’t speed up. On second thoughts I think my legs need time to relax and get back to normal again. After assessing myself I painfully decide to shelve all my runs till Sunday for better performance. I will bow out for now and live to die another day.

1 comment:

Running Writer said...

This is inspiring! Good work! Thats how training should be: you go to your limits! I had to take a three day off myself because I lacked energy. Now I am alright. Time to hammer it once again. Keep it up! Fantastic work.