Friday 7 June 2013

Still grinding.....

The week that was…
6th June, 2013: Kangundo road after a long day in court over a sham of an offence. My legs aren’t fresh coz of the previous evening run from work but decide to burn some calories after having chips and soda for lunch. My morale is under the soles of my feet but since I had planned to run then I will have to run.
You are the master of both!
Arrive home at 5:15pm and charge my garmin for 15mins, leave the house at 5:40pm which means I will only be able to run for at most 70 mins since Kangundo road is uneven and without street lights. The first 7 kms are okay but my return lap isn’t as good. My legs are just out – stop at 14kms saved by the darkness. Total time is 1:05:22 with an average pace of 4’40” per kilometer.
5th June, 2013: Running from work to home. A very good run despite the numerous walkers slowing down my tempo. Try to chase down the 14kms within the hour unsuccessfully. No worry, I will make time for it. Fastest mile in 6’33” and 5k in 21’38”. Total of 17kms in 1:16:27 at an average pace of 4’30” per kilometer now that’s what I am talking about!


Running Writer said...

Great progress. Keep hammering them out. Every day counts.

Unknown said...

Tru dat - piling the miles!